About Wine Trove

Wine Trove, launched in 2017, came about as a bit of a happy accident.
Proprietor Paul Armstrong, together with wife Sue, has been a keen wine amateur since the mid 1980s, visiting French vineyards on annual holidays, sharing and learning about wine with friends and local tasting groups, and gradually amassing rather too large a cellar for sensible consumption.
Paul took early retirement from BT in 2011 and has since taken up website design, initially as a hobby and then as a commercial enterprise serving small local businesses in NE Essex.
Wine Trove has emerged as a happy juxtaposition of these two threads in our personal lives.
What We Offer
Wine Trove is a pure online wine merchant specialising in fine and mature wines, offered in small quantities with no minimum order.
With no shop overheads to worry about, we aim to offer best-in-market prices for all our fine wines. We also make it our mission to seek out mature examples of slightly less well known (but nonetheless excellent quality) wines that have escaped the trophy-hunters' attention.
With easy online ordering, no minimum order, and free delivery for all orders over £150, we look forward to helping you drink well for less.
We are not a wine broker. All stock shown on the website is physically held in our own cool climate-controlled cellars, ready for prompt dispatch.